Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held in the Vestry, St. John’s Church, Stanwick on Monday 13th May 2024.


Present:         Cllr. B. Ramsay, Chairman

                        Cllr M. Asquith

                        Cllr. T. Haggie

                        Cllr. A. Wells

                        Cllr. P. Owen

                        Cllr. A Thompson


1.    Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.


2.    Declaration of Interest


The Parish Councillors declared that at this point of the meeting, the agenda did not show any requirement for declaration of interest.


3.    Minutes of the Last Meeting


The Minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


4.    Matters Arising


The Blue restricted byway sign at the Aldbrough St John end of the Stanwick Track has been replaced with a simple wooden finger post.  This is not fit for purpose and following complaints by various interested parties it is understood that replacement with the correct signage is in hand.

The collapsed stone wall near the entrance to Carlton Grange Farm has now been repaired and the safety barriers moved clear of the road.

        5. Reports from Local Authorities

Cllr. Thompson presented his mid-April report.  Items on which he briefed the meeting included the A66 upgrade, flooding on local roads, Government grant for pothole repairs and his funding of mobile litter signs. On a personal note Cllr. Thompson confirmed that he is now Chairman of the Pension Committee.


5.    Financial Report


          The Financial Summary was presented to the meeting, approved by Councillors and    

          signed by the Chairman.  

          The Summary details proposed 2024/25 budget expenditure, based on previous years    

          with the addition of an estimated £240.00 towards the cost of the new website.   

          Payment of this year’s precept of £1650.00 has been received from North Yorkshire  



6.    Planning Matters


There was one planning decision notice received this period.


(a)  Stanwick Grange, Stanwick – Approval for full rebuild of existing house and construction of extensions under 21/00031/Full.  The approval is granted subject to an extensive list of conditions.                          


7.    Correspondence


(a)  North Yorkshire Council Restricted Byway Modification Order.  Field gate added to the definitive map at South Lodge.


(b)  E-mail from BHS confirming consent order issued by York Magistrates Court that the metal gates at each end of the Stanwick Track must be removed within 3 months.


(c)   E-mail from Jenny Pears listing the various website options which the Local Parish Councils around us are considering.   The clerk was instructed to obtain full details and costs.


(d)  E-mails and correspondence from Openreach promoting the upgrade of properties in the Piercebridge exchange area to ultrafast full fibre broadband

under the governments Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme.  .



.         9Any Other Business


              In order that it can be considered for a Locality Grant, Cllr. Thompson needs a firm  

              quotation for the cost of refurbishing the vicarage corner traditional signpost by mid- 

             June.  He suggested Highways Richmond Office could assist.  The Clerk was

              instructed to obtain a quotation

              There have been further complaints of dog fouling along the Stanwick Road.  Cllr.

              Owen to report to the Dog Warden.


             The meeting was declared closed at 8.30 pm.


Date and time of next meeting.


Monday 2nd September 2024 @ 6.30 p.m.



Signed as a correct record ___________________ (Chairman) Date _________________